Part 1. Mycorrhizal mushrooms
by R. Winder
Recently, I posted some information to Internet about the possibilities of cultivating mycorrhizal mushrooms, fungi which are highly prized by gourmets but which don't ordinarily fruit under artificial conditions, it stirred up quite a reaction, so I ll summarize the discussion here.
It all started when Paul Stewart of P.E.I. posted a request for more information on the culture of mycorrhizal mushrooms.
He has grown mycelia of Boletus edulis, chanterelles, and slippery jacks, and was interested in any information that might help him produce mushrooms from the cultures. I responded with some guesses' about factors to worry about, some of which I will back up here by citing some literature. Most of these factors are probably inter-related.
- Mycelium integrity and size.
Mushrooms like B. Edulis can be quite large. Such mushrooms probably need to achieve
a certain mycelial size before they commit water and nutrients to a fruiting body (6). This is probably one of the reasons that deep dish cultures with modified Hagem-Modess media can be used to produce Leccinum, Tylopilus, Xerocomus, and Boletus mushrooms in culture, including B. rubinellus (6) and B. Edulis (5). Some reports suggest that truffle fruiting bodies eventually become independent from their host (14), so this may be a dynamic variable.
- Water relations. Even if resources have been committed to a fruiting body, larger mushrooms might abort if the medium becomes too dry. Proper water flow could also be involved in wicking away inhibitory waste compounds or by-products such as phenolics.
- Nutrient flux.
A clear source-sink flow of nutrients may need to be established, as outlined in methods which can be used to reliably produce morel sclerotia (1) as well as patented methods for growing morels in artificial culture (8). A disruption of this flux might also be a necessary stress for inducing fruiting.
In the case of deliberately produced inhibitors, rain might be a signal. It is known that some fungi produce diffusible compounds (cerebrosides) which encourage the formation of fruiting bodies - so inhibitors may also be present.
By way of analogy, plant seeds often require water to leach away inhibitors linked with dormancy. In artificial culture, there may be an unintentional accumulation of inhibitors or waste products because a closed system is being used. Armillaria is an interesting mushroom to talk about with regard to inhibitors.
Depending on concentration and type, phenolic compounds can inhibit or stimulate the growth of this fungus (10). Orange slices are often added to media to stimulate formation of Armillaria mushrooms (10). It may be that the ascorbic acid (vitamin C) in the orange counteracts the effects of phenolic compounds in the media. Ascorbic acid is often used in plant tissue culture to deal with the problem of accumulated phenolic wastes.
Microscopic fungi which do not ordinarily produce fruiting bodies in liquid culture often produce them if something solid is added to the medium. In agar media with plant pieces, these fungi often prefer to form fruiting bodies on the plant pieces. In Agaricus culture, texture of the surface casing layer can be important in determining the density of primordia. So for Armillaria culture, the addition of orange peels also provides a good hunk of cellulose which probably acts as a nutritious growth template.
-Seasonal factors.
The B. edulis in my front yard always fruits exactly on Canada day (July 1), with the deeper Amanita muscaria 2 days behind. This might be a direct effect of day length or photoperiod. However, there may be a more indirect explanation for the timing of mycorrhizal mushroom fruiting since they are, after all, symbiotically connected to plants.
Plant growth hormones are intimately involved in the formation of mycorrhizal associations, and might also be involved in the fruiting of the fungal symbiont. I've used the plant growth hormone IAA to trigger the formation of morel sclerotia. Other hormones such as abscisic acid, ethylene, or cytokinins might be involved. Temperature is another important seasonal aspect - B. edulis fruits between 20-26 degrees C (5).
Mycologists like media that are simple to prepare, with simple sugars like glucose and sucrose. However, mycorrhizal mushrooms aren't necessarily living on simple sugars like an ordinary saprophyte - they are getting at least some of their nutrients from tree roots. Tree sap has a mixture of different sugars and amino acids - some not found in popular growth media. There are also more complex compounds to consider, like pectins, suberin, and various other components of plant cell walls and plant tissues. In some cases, there might be a requirement for a physiological trigger from a living plant symbiont, such as phosphorylated compounds, nucleotides, glycolipids, etc. (just guessing here!)
On a more basic level, the approach of Paul Stewart to chanterelle culture is a good one. He compared soil where chanterelles grow with nearby soil, and found that chanterelles
seem to bioaccumulate manganese, boron, and calcium in significant quantities. Manganese and calcium have also been found to stimulated morel growth, along with wood extract.
There has been some work on nutrients required for growth of Boletus spp. (9), chanterelles (11), and truffles (7). I'll leave morels, which some reports say can be mycorrhizal, for a column of their own.
-Other microbes.
Chanterelles incorporate the bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens into the mushroom, possibly the result of some sort of symbiosis (2). Levels of bacteria in truffles (Tuber spp.) are also high (7). It may be that bacterial cell wall components like n-acetyl-glucosamine could be incorporated into the medium to avoid the contamination problems posed by these symbionts. Some soil bacteria produce ion-absorbing compounds known as ionophores - symbiotic association with these bacteria might be an additional way for mushrooms to accumulate nutrients. In Agaricus culture, various microbes aid in mushroom formation by providing competitive stress or an environmental cue (12).
They can also aid in spore germination. Recently, Mike Ziegler of snowy Vermont posted to internet his discovery that growing two fungi together in the same culture has allowed him to produce fruiting bodies of Grifola frondosa (sheep's head or hen-of-the-woods). The implications for culture of mycorrhizal mushrooms are there: I have three isolated grand fir trees which support mycelia of B. edulis, Amanita muscaria, A. pantherina, Helvella lacunosa, and a couple of other mushrooms I haven't bothered to identify. The point is, they are all living together quite happily.
After I posted this information, Lewis Melville at the University of Guelph said that he has published a book, Practical Methods in Mycorrhiza Research, which contains
information on culturing and isolating ectomycorrhizal fungi. It is available from Mycologue Publications, 8728 Lochside Drive, Sidney, B.C. V8L 1M8, Canada, for $23 US. Lewis says that culturing endomycorrhizal fungi is usually done in pot cultures with a living host plant. From my own files, I've found a reference to culture of the ectomycorrhizal Laccaria spp. Using this method (13), as well as desert truffles (3).
Richard Kerrigan, who works for the friendly people at Sylvan Spawn Labs, added a point. He says that Station Champignons, a research lab at INRA-Bordeaux, has been conducting successful research on cultivation of mycorrhizal fungi, including truffles and Lactarius, for over 15 years. The contact there is Dr. J.-M.' Olivier, BP 81, 33883 Villenave
d'Ornon, France. Richard also mentioned that although culture of matsutake (Tricholoma matsutake) has been unsuccessful to date, Dr. Makoto Ogawa of Japan has been working on this topic. If anyone finds a B.C. matsutake (T. magnivelare, a.k.a, pine mushroom) I would like to get a piece of it for culturing.
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